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Batman (1989) - The Joker Dynamic 8ction Heroes - 1/9
Batman (1989) - The Joker Dynamic 8ction Heroes - 1/9 Batman (1989) - The Joker Dynamic 8ction Heroes - 1/9 Batman (1989) - The Joker Dynamic 8ction Heroes - 1/9 Batman (1989) - The Joker Dynamic 8ction Heroes - 1/9 Batman (1989) - The Joker Dynamic 8ction Heroes - 1/9

Batman (1989) - The Joker Dynamic 8ction Heroes - 1/9

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21 cm






Beast Kingdom Toys





Om Produkten

Joker actionfigur från Beast Kingdom.

Tim Burtons vilda och maniska skildring av karaktären Jokern vann honom snabbt applåder och cementerade denna version som en av de mest ikoniska jokrarna i filmhistorien.

Beast Kingdoms "Entertainment Experience Brand" går stolt in i Tim Burtons Batmanvärld med släppet av en mycket poserbar Joker. En actionfigur redo för de ultimata poseringsmöjligheterna med sina 20 ledpunkter. Jokerns mångfaldiga men ändå skrämmande leende visas för fullt, med två utbytbara huvudskulpturer. Med känsla för detaljer återskapas varje element i 1989 års Joker med en helkroppsdräkt gjord av äkta tyg samt en uppsättning med sju utbytbara händer. Med i setet finns också några av Jokerns mest ikoniska tillbehör, såsom flaggpistolen, megafonen, tandproteser och mer.


Actionfigurer, DC Comics Actionfigurer, Actionfigurer & Collectibles, Beast Kingdom Toys, The Joker, DC Comics, Teman, Varumärken

Product Info

A cult classic, 1989 saw the unleashing of Tim Burton's 'Batman' to moviegoers who were until then only used to the camp 1960's television shows. A new dark and otherworldly take on the character introduced fans to a new arch-nemesis in Jack Nicholson's Joker! His wild and manic depiction of the character quickly won him applause and cemented this version as one of the most iconic Jokers in cinematic history.

Beast Kingdom's 'Entertainment Experience Brand' proudly enters the world of Tim Burton's Batman with the release of a highly articulable Batman 1989 Joker. An action figure ready for the ultimate in posing possibilities with its 20 points of articulation, the Joker's diverse yet scary grin is on full display, with two replaceable head sculpts. With an attention to detail, every element of the 1989 Joker is recreated using a full body suit made of real fabric as well as a set of seven replaceable hands. Included in the set are also some of the Joker's most iconic accessories, such as the flag pistol, megaphone, dentures and more.

Arguably one of the most celebrated movie villains is ready to make himself heard on a desk near you.

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