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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 - Nebula MMS - 1/6
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 - Nebula MMS - 1/6 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 - Nebula MMS - 1/6 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 - Nebula MMS - 1/6 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 - Nebula MMS - 1/6 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 - Nebula MMS - 1/6

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 - Nebula MMS - 1/6

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Beställ idag - Leverans Juni 2025. Beställningsvara
Beställ idag - Leverans Juni 2025. Leverans Juni 2025





29 cm






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Om Produkten

Actionfiguren i lyxutförande är vackert utformad efter Nebulas senaste framträdande i filmen Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3, med en nyutvecklad huvudskulptur med tydliga cybernetiska detaljer, en specialiserad kropp som framhäver Nebulas protesarm och avslöjar intrikata mekaniska delar, slående färgapplikationer som visar nyanser av blått och lila för hennes hud, en marinblå och röd stridsdräkt med Guardians-emblemet, vapen som är utbytbara med hennes uppgraderade arm som en gigantisk blaster, svärd och laserborr, ett vingpaket för att återskapa face-off-scenen med Adam Warlock och ett figurstativ med filmtema.


Actionfigurer, Marvel Actionfigurer, Actionfigurer & Collectibles, Guardians of the Galaxy, Premiumfigurer, Statyer & Figurer, Marvel, Teman, Hot Toys, Varumärken

Product Info

The Guardians of the Galaxy have called for the final tour. Since helping the Avengers defeat her adoptive father, Nebula has become a full-fledged member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, who shows her the true meaning of family. She has been through some significant physical changes since her last appearance in the holiday special, now with a new arm, more reminiscent of a human arm compared to her skeletal, robotic limb seen in any previous MCU productions. Adding onto the collection inspired by Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3, Sideshow and Hot Toys are presenting a brand-new Nebula Sixth Scale Collectible Figure to join the gang.

The screen-accurate deluxe action figure is beautifully crafted based on Nebula's latest appearance in the movie, featuring a newly developed head sculpt with pronounced cybernetics details, a specialized body highlighting Nebula's prosthetic arm revealing intricate mechanical parts, striking paint applications showing shades of blue and purple for her skin, a navy-blue and red combat suit with the Guardians emblem, weapons that are interchangeable with her upgraded arm such as a giant blaster, sword, and laser drill, a wing pack to recreate the face-off scene with Adam Warlock, and a movie-themed figure stand.

Recruit this Nebula collectible to your Marvel collectibles collection and complete the mission one more time!

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