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Masters of the Universe - Princess of Power She-Ra Art Scale Statue
Masters of the Universe - Princess of Power She-Ra Art Scale Statue Masters of the Universe - Princess of Power She-Ra Art Scale Statue Masters of the Universe - Princess of Power She-Ra Art Scale Statue Masters of the Universe - Princess of Power She-Ra Art Scale Statue Masters of the Universe - Princess of Power She-Ra Art Scale Statue

Masters of the Universe - Princess of Power She-Ra Art Scale Statue

3 499:-






28 cm




Iron Studios





Om Produkten

Mellan två vackra exemplar av Etherias frodiga vegetation vid hennes fötter, höjer den vackra och majestätiska krigaren sitt mäktiga svärd för att skydda sina allierade och det förtryckta folket på hennes planet, mot styrkorna från en tyrannisk erövrare och hans följare. Med en vingad tiara på toppen av sitt långa blonda hår, iförd en vit klänning med metalltryck, en röd cape, gyllene stövlar och långa armband som sträcker sig från hennes armbågar till hennes handleder, är hon känd som Princess of Power. Vid hennes sida landar en liten, skarp och insiktsfull vingad varelse, med breda gula ögon, en lila näbb och ett regnbågsmönster på insidan av dess öron som fungerar som vingar, på en av de inhemska växterna och observerar och beundrar sin beskyddare, vän och allierad. En av de mest efterlängtade och eftertraktade karaktärerna av fans och samlare får äntligen sin staty i Iron Studios samling, som stolt presenterar "She-Ra Princess of Power BDS - Masters of the Universe - Art Scale 1/10", bredvid hennes roliga äventyrskamrat Kowl på en diorama bas dekorerad med detaljer från slätterna på planeten Etheria.

Storlek: 28,5 x 16 x 14 cm


Samlarstatyer, Actionfigurer & Collectibles, Iron Studios, Masters of the Universe, Statyer & Figurer, Teman, Varumärken

Product Info

Between two beautiful specimens of Etheria's lush vegetation at her feet, the pretty and majestic warrior raises her mighty sword to protect her allies and the oppressed people from her planet, against the forces of a tyrant conqueror and his followers. With a winged tiara on top of her long blond hair, wearing a white dress with metal prints, a red cape, golden boots, and long armbands that extend from her elbows to her wrists, she is known as the Princess of Power. By her side, a small, keen, and percipient winged creature, with broad yellow eyes, a purple beak, and a rainbow pattern on the inside of its ears that serve as wings, lands on one of the native plants observing and admiring its protector, friend, and ally. One of the most awaited and desired characters by fans and collectors finally gets her statue in Iron Studios' collection, which proudly present "She-Ra Princess of Power BDS - Masters of the Universe - Art Scale 1/10", next to her fun adventure companion Kowl over a diorama base decorated with details of the plains from the planet Etheria.

Kidnapped while she was still a baby by the Horde's main commander in Etheria, the evil Hordak, Princess Adora, twin sister of prince Adam from Eternia, was taken to another dimension, on planet Etheria, where she grew up and became Force Captain Adora, acting as an agent of the Evil Horde serving the sovereign Hordak and his army of mutants. Thanks to a portal opened in Eternia by the Sorceress, protector of Castle Grayskull, Adora encountered her brother and found out the truth about her origins, realizing that the emperor was a tyrant that was manipulating her. She received the Sword of Protection, a parallel version of He-Man's Power Sword, and won the power to transform herself into the warrior She-Ra, raising her sword and saying the words: "By the honor of Grayskull! I am She-Ra!", and transform her faithful white horse Spirit into the winged unicorn Swift Wind. Seeking to free Etheria from the Horde, she then joined the Great Rebellion in the fight for freedom, of which Kowl is part of, a character with the features of an owl mixed with a koala (hence its name), with a rude and sarcastic temperament, that tends to serve as a comic relieve thanks to its jokes and acid commentary. Obstinate, noble, strategic, and many times with a sharp sense of humor, She-Ra, just like her twin brother He-Man, firmly believes in doing the right thing and encouraging others, and even showing compassion to her enemies even when that goes against her allies. With superhuman strength, enhanced speed, great reflexes, and near invulnerability, She-Ra has the ability to heal wounds and communicate with animals through telepathy.

Size: 28,5 x 16 x 14 cm

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