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Star Wars The Mandalorian - Death Watch Mandalorian TMS - 1/6
Star Wars The Mandalorian - Death Watch Mandalorian TMS - 1/6 Star Wars The Mandalorian - Death Watch Mandalorian TMS - 1/6 Star Wars The Mandalorian - Death Watch Mandalorian TMS - 1/6 Star Wars The Mandalorian - Death Watch Mandalorian TMS - 1/6 Star Wars The Mandalorian - Death Watch Mandalorian TMS - 1/6

Star Wars The Mandalorian - Death Watch Mandalorian TMS - 1/6

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Beställ idag - Leverans Juni 2025. Beställningsvara
Beställ idag - Leverans Juni 2025. Leverans Juni 2025





30 cm






Hot Toys






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Om Produkten

The Mandalorian actionfigur från Hot Toys.

Den mycket exakta samlarfiguren är speciellt utformad baserat på utseendet på Death Watch Mandalorian som räddade den unga Din Djarin i showen. Den har mycket detaljerade hjälm- och pansarstycken med vädereffekter, en skickligt skräddarsydd outfit, finskulpterad jetpack med riktiga tillbehör till eldpropeller, två blasters och en figurbas.

Missa inte chansen att inkludera den fantastiska Death Watch Mandalorian Sixth Scale Collectible Figure från The Mandalorian i din Star Wars-samling!


Actionfigurer, Star Wars Actionfigurer, Actionfigurer & Collectibles, Premiumfigurer, Statyer & Figurer, The Mandalorian, Star Wars, Teman, Hot Toys, Varumärken

Product Info

During a Separatist attack on the settlement of Aq Vetina™, the young Din Djarin™ was under attack by super battle droids, but before any harm could come to the boy, a group of Death Watch Mandalorians arrived to take out the droids and rescue Din.

With a new season of the highly anticipated The Mandalorian debuting soon, Hot Toys is delighted to expand The Mandalorian collectible series further and officially introducing the new Death Watch Mandalorian Sixth Scale Collectible Figure today!

The highly-accurate collectible figure is specially crafted based on the appearance of the Death Watch Mandalorian who rescued the young Din Djarin in the show. It features highly detailed helmet and armor pieces with weathering effects, a skillfully tailored outfit, finely sculpted jetpack with real-like thruster fire accessories, two blasters, and a figure base.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to include the stunning Death Watch Mandalorian Sixth Scale Collectible Figure from The Mandalorian in your Star Wars collection! "This is the way."

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